Hi all,

It's 6am and I'm the only one up - I cherish these moments of quiet solitude because they never last long. Somehow, as soon as I'm vertical, something triggers an alarm in my family's brains. It must say, "Alert! The lady who makes us breakfast, waits on us, drives us everywhere and buys us stuff is up - let's roll!"
Anyway, it's been crazy as usual. The girls are done with summer camp now so the next few weeks get really "interesting." Tom and I are off this coming week so that's good, after that, it's pretty much a crap shoot.
Katie loved camp and I was never so happy to see her. She and her sister began fighting approximately one hour after she walked in the door. Right on cue. It was actually comforting because everything seemed normal again.

Both girls birthdays are coming up. I can't believe they will be 10 and 12. We have finally buckled in to the pressure and Katie got her first CELL PHONE. It's a LOT nicer than mine, naturally. Emma is going to Blue Man Group for her birthday and wants her ears pierced. We'll see....
We may go to the beach today if the weather cooperates. Not looking great at the moment but that doesn't mean squat.
Happy Monday everyone,
so the girls don't read your blogs?? you blurted out their gifts right here for everyone to see.....which....I have a complaint about too - thanks for bucklin under pressure - it's all I've been hearing about at my house, "katie's getting a cell phone, why can't I?!" thanks - thanks a lot!! whatever happened to "if you give a girl a cellphone?"!!!!!