I wanted to share a poem I wrote and read at my daughters school. Students were assigned to write an "I am from" poem and parents were encouraged (strongly) to share one as well. I resisted at first but now it is one of my favorite pieces. I thought I would share with all of you. I hope you are enjoying your weekend!
I Am From:
I am from tobacco fields
Station wagons
And parochial school.
I am from a modest Irish blessing
and an effervescent spaghetti dinner
A pair that gave me wings they never had
And opportunities that came from much sacrifice.
I am from the comfort of a small town.
I am from the limitations of a small town…
Going further, taking risks, falling down…
And learning to get back up again.
I am from trying to be perfect and learning
There is no such thing…
Discovering that imperfection breeds experience
And experience builds character.
I am from a partnership that has made me a better version of me… but still me
With memories of stolen lunches and Rockport inns, long talks and too-short get-aways
Green couches, the tomato soup incident and a bowtie dollar bill.
I am from the gifts that motherhood has given me…
Belly laughs, bedtime stories, drippy ice cream cones and an “I love you” that helps me forget about the broken lamp and lost cleats and missed homework…at least for a moment.
I am from stretch marks, and worry lines and the certainty that I would die for someone.
I am from what my daughters have taught me… and they are from me.
I am from tobacco fields
station wagons
And parochial school
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