do you like our new look? It is still a work in progress as I will be tweaking it over the next several weeks - this is code for I will be begging friends and family who are familiar with HTML to widen columns, add widgets and tell me what the heck the "undefined" thing over to the left means. Huh?

On the flip side, it is a day that reminds us not to take ourselves too seriously. I know I fall into that trap way too often. We need to remind ourselves that life is short and the things that matter aren't always the things that we focus on.
So today, ask yourself these questions:
Will this matter a year from now? A week from now? Tomorrow?
What will happen if I don't do 'x'?
And most importantly - Why the hell is Modern Family on at the same time as the results show of Idol?
A few things to ponder. Hey, be a little foolish today. More later.
I'm liking the new look, Sue!