Hi parent pill fans,
One of my New Year's resolutions is to get serious about keeping this blog up to date and to that end, I will commit to at least 3 new postings a week. Even if some might be a word or two (curse words apply).
I've realized recently that with two daughters in sixth and seventh grade, I'm knee deep in horomones, mood swings, sassiness and overpriced Hollister sweatshirts. Despite having kids that are good students and kind people, they are navigating shark-infested waters which causes them to, at least at times, act as dopey and confused as Nancy Pelosi on crack. (or not on crack, who would know really)
The problem is that as parents, we can't shelter them from this difficult experience. There are just no words to adequately prepare a kid for being called "crapface,or being compared to Princess Fiona when she took her "true form."
We all went through it. And now our kids have the privilege of navigating the rough waters face-to-face, via text, Facebook, Skype and other technologies that I'm sure they'll explain to me some day.
So we are in the weeds - simple as that. There is no way to glorify this awkward period of pubescent clumsiness. It makes no sense whatsoever...didn't when we were young, and it doesn't now.
I guess our job is to try and give them the tools to make good decisions, the courage to stand up for themselves and the wisdom to know when to eat a half gallon of Hagen Daz and call it a day.
So it will be an interesting journey. And it feels almost as awkward going through it on this side, as the parent. How do we protect our kids from the goonies?
I'll be pondering that as I continue to trudge through the weeds...
Nice to have you back Sue! Always make the point so clearly! Happy New Year!