Friday, July 01, 2011

Marvin K Mooney Will You Please Go Now!

So if you are a parent, you've read this Dr. Seuss book a zillion times. I reference it today because as silly as it is - it's message is relevant to the point I want to make which is to Go, Go, Go! I know so many parents who refuse to leave their children and take a vacation with their husband. They have every excuse imaginable - too expensive, can't leave the pets - but my favorite is when they imply that the kids couldn't possibly get along without them. Guess what, they can and they should. Kids are pretty basic creatures; if they are with trusted friends or relatives who feed them and buy them an occasional ice cream, they are happy. Believe me when I say they need a break from you as much as you need one from them - it's healthy.

And you can make it happen if you make it a priority. It should be as important as the dance company your daughter is in or the hockey league your son is in - those are expensive but we somehow make it work, right? Same here. And once you do it, you'll wonder why you waited so long. It's an investment in your marriage and shows your kids that your partnership is important too. I think we make life a little too much about our kids these days.

So go on line today and book a real vacation - not a quick overnight - a real vacation. I will post some vacation pictures of Tom and I shortly - we went to Mexico last month and had a blast. So...get on your way Marvin K!!

Time to jump into holiday weekend mode...have a great 4th everyone and be looking for the introduction of my partner Tracey, she is smart and hilarious!!

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