Why are my children obsessed with trashy TV like Toddlers & Tiaras?? They are educated kids - what on earth atrracts them to this mess? They DVR the episodes and watch each one with a joi de vivre that is beyond my comprehension. I have tried banning this series but it keeps creeping back into our lives. And they know the whole sad crew by name - Eden, Brooklyn, McKenzie - ugh!! Please make it go away - the spray tans, the fake teeth, the hair pieces!! This show scares me almost as much as the life-size mural of the half-naked boy in Abercrombie. Almost.
So just got back from a lacross game with my 11-year-old. I just love Thursday nights cuz tomorrow is Friday and Friday is my day off....sick. (that's what my 13-year-old says when she likes something),
Well, good night my little minions. I hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Hey, could you comment or something so I know you're out there? Look, it's the least you could do for a hard-working blogging kind of gal.
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