Saturday, September 01, 2012

Toasting Fall

It's back to school time and I think I'm the only mother who is ready to throw confetti at the bus when it arrives and toast the driver with a big mug of kahlua suckers!

As a working mom, I find the summer to be pretty challenging. As much as I welcome the warm weather and summer activities, I crave the predictability the fall schedule brings. My oldest, Katie, is going into high school - that's me and my girls to the left. Hard to believe but I'm excited for the confident young woman she has become. She will be a great success - if she can figure out how to open her locker. She had a bit of a problem with that during freshman orientation (hey don't judge, they didn't have lockers at her previous school, or desks for that matter...crap, she could be in trouble).

So we've done the mandatory school shopping and got all the "must have" items. Sperrys - $85; Toms - $45; Hollister jeans - piceless. And the clothes were the easy part, the school supplies were the real ball buster. I think I dropped a couple hundred dollars at Staples. That was easy! I'm sure the graphing calculator is a good investment since there are plenty of opportunities to graph linear and exponential relationships in your life.

So the craziness just transforms from summer crazy to fall crazy...but it's all nuts just the same.

RIP to my Uncle Fred - he was someone who had true grit. I will miss him. I am working on an e-book and he has inspired one of my chapters...more on that later. Keep checking back often and remember to "join" my site. Enjoy your weekend everyone. More tomorrow.

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