Sunday, July 19, 2009


Happy Sunday everyone!

I took an exercise class on Friday and I really loved it, which is a first for me. I just don't get that high that those weird "I love to exercise!!" people always rave about. But I really sort of enjoyed it and the best part was that I could shut down my head for an hour. That's the challenge for me. Yoga, I laugh. Aerobics, I stare at the clock thinking that it should be almost over and only 4 and a 1/2 minutes have passed. The gym, I stare at all the people wondering how long they've been running on the treadmill and how gross it is to feel the spritz of their sweat.

This was a conditioning class and it was super difficult. You can't possibly think of anything but your body and how the hell you will get it to do the things they are asking of it.

Here's the's Sunday and I'm still having trouble walking. This is sort of a problem for me. It's slowing me down big time and has rendered me close to useless.

Anyway, despite my physical challenges we are packing up for a day at my neighbor's lake house in NH. Looks like gorgeous weather so it should be fun.

Did I mention that my upstairs laundry project has now ballooned to replacing all the upstairs carpets, installing a cabinet, replacing all the window shades and buying my husband a new dresser? There goes any hope for a hot tub again....

I'll let you know when I can walk again. Soon, I hope. Have an awesome day.


  1. joanne11:18 AM

    Shucks....I've been waiting for the hot tub!

    Tell Tom "Tom's Discount" has some nice plastic shelves and containers...LOL

  2. Joanne11:19 AM

    are you running the 5k this summer?


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