This is from my friend Jen...I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants. Thanks for making me feel better Jen. Gotta love home ownership.
Hi Sue,

Just saw your blog and it amazes me how much our lives mirror each other!!!! Just like you, we have had many challenges the last couple of weeks.... Marc accidently rode over Celia's scooter in the driveway and it disabled his car completely!!! Something must of tripped the computer and he was not able to start the car again... We had to get it towed and it took them over a week to figure out how to reset his car computer!!! (The car is only 3 weeks old!)...

Secondly, our fridge (which is less than 3 years old) was emitting this awful burning smell! Turns out that the compressor died and it took over a week for the repair people to get the part to replace it!!! At the same time that we were waiting for the fridge to get fixed, we were suddenly out of internet and phone...We got back online by calling comcast, but for some reason, Marc's laptop still would not work...After many hours on the phone with a technician, we finally had to replace our router with a new one!

Now for the best story of all..... We were getting ready to put the trash out last week and noticed that it was a little more smelly than normal... Trash was picked up and we then washed out the barrels and still the smell was really pungent... Marc decided to clean out the garage since we figured some food was caught behind something... Well turns out that a squirrel made a home in Marc's golf bag and passed away.... When Marc discovered it, you cannot imagine the smell!!!! Not mention the maggots that were crawling all over the bag!!!!!! I don't think I have been that grossed out in my entire life!!!!!!!!!! I literally had to leave the house!!!!
Good things that came out of all of this:
1. We did not have to pay for the car or fridge repair since they
were both under warranty.
2. The router is covered by Marc's company.
3. Glad we discovered the critter before the maggots turned into
flies!!!! (so gross!!!!)
Moral: In the words of Michael Jackson, "You are not alone...I am there with you!"
Hi Sue (& Jen)
ReplyDeleteI completely feel you pain!
We had a family of red squirrels nesting in our downstairs bathroom walls a month or so disgusting (we moved out until problem solved...long story). Now due to that we have a huge hole in our bathroom ceiling where the exterminator had to access. More recenly our kitchen faucet that is only 2 years old stopped producing hot water...a week+ later it was finally fixed...our computer that is only 3 months old is on the fritz, waiting for Dell to come out to service it! Just waiting for the other shoe to drop, the joys of home ownership!
As if we needed another one to add to the list, my check engine light on the car we just recently paid off has been flashing and is now a nice solid red, as if to taunt us! I think it's been conspiring with the appliances. The roof is probably next...
ReplyDeleteI've been dealing with bats in my house...Spent $400 on a "bat door" to put in the eaves to prevent them from getting back in once they exit...well, that hasn't worked so far. Found out in a SUPER way too -our house was on the market and prospects opened to the door to view our spacious storage area and didn't a freakin bat just fly out and scare the heck out of the buyer and their realtor...she ran screaming into street...I guess asking her if she liked the kitchen renovation was a moot point. Oh, and did you know you are not allowed to trap or kill bats? Yup, that's right. The exterminators won't touch them. They just seal up your house so that once they fly out to feed, they, in theory, can't get back in. Uh huh...sounds logical right? A winged rodent that spreads rabies is protected. Good times.
ReplyDeleteDear Batwoman or Batman,
ReplyDeleteThat is one of the funniest stories I've ever heard! Thanks for sharing. I really needed a laugh. We all have our challenges don't we? Life is funny when we go out of our way to protect winged rodents who hang upside down, nest in our homes and reak havoc. Gotta love it!