Monday, July 13, 2009

Where did two weeks go??

Where on earth have 2 whole weeks gone? Insanity. Summer has finally arrived and it is madness. This is probably the trickiest time for me as a working mom since I have to throw all the balls up in the air every Sunday night and figure out how the hell I'm going to juggle them this week. Know that feeling? Do you hear the circus music?

What else, let's see...spent about 5 hours trimming hedges and weeding today but happy that it was a beautiful day. Of course, that coupled with walking a few miles with my neighbor, has pretty much rendered me disabled. I can barely move. Can you imagine what I'll feel like tomorrow?

Oh, I'm having 2nd floor laundry put in and the project started today!! I had 2nd floor laundry in our last house and have been living without it now for four years (basement laundry makes mama very cranky!) so it is time. The house is torn apart but I am thrilled beyond belief. This stuff makes me very happy. Hey, you're talking about a girl whose favorite channel is HGTV. In fact my oldest daughter's favorite show is "Biggest Bang for Your Buck - Kitchen Edition." Weird huh? The apple doesn't fall far...

Promise to keep you posted more often. Have a great night.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Saw the Staples commericial (dad skipping down the isle...."they're going baaaack!") - ugh!!! am not ready at all for summer to be over!!!! do not want to see one more freakin' ad for back to school - summer hasn't even started yet!!!! where are those scorching hot days of summer that I love so much??? and what about those days of latering up with baby oil and cooking our bodies from the outside in???? bring 'em on!!!

    don't even wanna think about the three weeks gone...we've only got like 5 more left!!! ugh!!!


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