Monday, June 29, 2009

From Alert Reader Tracey

Reasons we should be thankful that it has been raining for about a hundred days:

1. no need to apply sunscreen
2. no worrying about skin cancer
3. no worrying about getting all that damned sand out of the car (but since you have seen my car, you know I don't ever really care about that.....)
4. grass will stay green green green all summer long
5. no need to bring the kids to cheezy salisbury beach amusements this summer....
6. money saved on amusement parks (like water country, six flags, etc - although $$ spent at movies is way up)
7. no need to purchase beach passes
8. can finally kick that drinking margaritas at end of long day habit....

So, if you live in these here parts and you are suffering like the rest of us, hit "comment" and send us your top 10 or however many you can come up with. If you live somewhere sunny...screw you.


  1. Anonymous2:48 PM

    best one yet - no need for bikini wax!!

  2. the other sue9:27 AM

    no 'playdates' at the pool with 'yummy mummies',while I still remain a 'tummy/bummy mummy'

    no need to make up excuses for not watering the hanging plants (My husband notices if I don't from the top of the street)

    the kid down the street doesn't show up at 8 in the morning (before I have a bra on)asking to come in a play

  3. Anonymous1:09 PM

    don't have to reveal the extra 10 pounds put on this winter....unless, of course, the 10 pounds were gained above the turtleneck line.....


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