Sunday, March 28, 2010

I'm Back...The Pill is Available Again!

Hi everyone!
So I've been going through withdrawals since signing off last summer. It turns out I really need the pill and I hope you feel the same way! I am going to reinvent this site and make it an edgy, fun place for parents to come and ebmrace their imperfect selves. You see I am on a quest to find my inner mediocrity. The overachieving mom who thinks she needs to act like June Cleaver on crack has left the building. Or at least I am trying to get her thrown out.

I am working on a book about ways that parents can relax in a world that puts so much pressures on being the perfect parent when we all know there is no such thing. Many of us have become these little hamsters on a wheel trying to reach some next best thing and making ourselves a frantic mess in the meantime.

I say enough. (although my brain hasn't completely got the message yet). Anyway, for those of you interested in joining me on a quest for a more balanced, relaxed existence, check in daily, follow me on Twitter, knit me some gloves. I don't care, just get on the pill! Glad to have you!!


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